
Memory Monday- vacation memories

We are heading to the beach for spring break and I can hardly wait.  Family vacations are the best times to create memories. When I was a kid, my mom used to keep a log of our trip.  Throughout our vacation, we would collect postcards and pamphlets from the places we visited and when we returned home,after having the film developed, we would include photos from that vacation.

On our vacation, we were all given jobs or titles for our journey.  These jobs included titles such as cook, captain, navigator, 1st mate- you get the picture.  Today, she has that book and i count it as treasure!

Technology has changed the way we do everything including vacationing.  Preserving family memories is digital.  Occasionally, we will keep a log of our adventures the old way so everyone can be a part of the memory keeping process, but more often than not, I use Shutterfly to document our journey.  I love how user friendly it is, Shutterfly is always having a sale, and it is not a time consuming project.

Monday Memory Challenge

Create a family scrapbook- digital or otherwise and relive memories with your family
 This was august 2005- Emma was 8 months old. This was the best trip probably because it was absolutely spontaneous.  I remember we were at the beach for nearly 8 hours- the kids were great and Emma was an angel.  I love these beach memories!  I hope they are all as good next week as they were this day!

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