
Searching.... a family History adventure

Our "Search" also led to the discovery of this rare photo of my grandpa Ora Hofheins with "Uncle" Edward Irel Hofheins. (my Aunt stumbled upon it) It was taken August 28, 1967.  It is a treasure!
My dad is the find them and "dunk them" mormon family historian.  However, our membership in the church dates back to Polly Knight, the sister of Joseph Knight- who was among the first 100 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That makes that approach somewhat difficult  So now my diligent father is looking for his cousins.  I am taking the "off road" approach to family history so to speak.  I like to get acquainted with my ancestors... I want to know their stories.  So after familiarizing myself with my  basic lines (Hofheins, Morgan, Evans, Ward, Weaver, Dickson, Stoddard, Smith, Kimball,)  I wanted to solve a mystery.  The mystery? "Where did all of the Hofheins' pictures go?  And more specifically did "Uncle" Edward Irel Hofheins leave any trace of his life?  

The search began at the home of my now deceased Great Aunt Mattie Hofheins Barton.  Her granddaughter, Amy, now lives in the home and the box had not been opened since her passing-

Most often when a member of a family passes, the females in the family inherit the family records, photos, - the memorabilia.  Such was the case when my grandpa Hofheins'  mother died.  His Sister Mattie inherited the "mother lode"  After years of waiting, wondering, and hoping, I got to "experience" this family history.

I enjoyed a wonderful afternoon digging through old photos with my newly reacquainted Barton family.  In the box, we found a treasure- one letter from "Uncle" to his sister Mattie- that's it, but she treasured it all of those years.  So glad to find it.  

 I have so much work to do now- scanning and identifying photos and finding "their stories."  I can't wait!
My great Aunt Mattie Hofheins Barton's wedding dress

My mother Janet with her cousin Steve Barton- they work the Friday morning temple shift together... 

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