
Dear Jennie- now this is a love letter

( 100 year old letter written by my Great Grandfather Edwin Stoddard to his soon to be bride Jennie Smith)
0/C Aminas Express C.
Pocotello Ida Depot
Pocatello Ida.
March 2, 1914
My Dear Jennie,
While I sat thinking this evening of you, I decided to write my thoughts to you such as they are.
I am very tired this evening having just arrived from Huntington Oregon at eight p.m., and dear as my thoughts are of you always, I sincerely wish you were near me all the time.
Perhaps you can realize what  it is to want for something especially someone who is most dear to you and can not go to her.
Well dear, I live in hopes that I will get my little friend someday and dear the sooner the better as I know I will be better off and as I can keep someone I want, just you. 
Isn't it the most glorious thing this love one gets for another.  It appears most heavenly in its mission, and, and dear I enjoy it more and more every day.  And it is getting almost unbearable.  Can't you come, won't you come dear, as you have stolen into my life and it appears that you have become a part of it, to leave as silently as you entered it would nearly brake my heart, I do believe.
I will try and bear it until the spring dear, and then won't you come to me as I have before stated you are the missing link of the chain, to my happiness.
My how nice it would be to come home as I did this evening and go home to a nice warm supper and a cheerful rosy cheeked little wife's welcoming a fellow's homecoming.
I have had pictures of such and gee, but they are beautiful just we too setting down to supper alone, perhaps in time to come, someone else will come unto our life smiling at our happiness you never can tell such things do happen, and I imagine that such occurances are the greatest links to a young couples happiness.
Pardon me dear if I appear to familiar, but dear take it for granted I mean no offense, as we care for each other so much that to be plain spoken does not appear out of the way.
I know if your love is the same as mine your thoughts are running the same direction, perhaps you have pictured us the same if so ain't they just beautiful pictures of happiness.
Well dear did you get my last letter I sincerely hope so that you will not think I had forgotten you as I want to assure you that, that can never happen.
Well dear  as it is now ten pm I will say goo night for this time living in hopes that you will write soon as I just love to hear from you and I will make it a practice of writing to you every time I arrive in Pocotello.
Good night dear heart and may these naught coyotes sing Ed is lonesome he wants you to come to him.
With Love,
**more letters to follow-- this love story will break your heart!

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