
Memory Monday- Look what I caught.... the kid, not the fish!

Thirteen years ago tomorrow, our family was so blessed to welcome this amazing boy into our family.  As a child, he was a constant joy- always smiling.  And while he has grown, his smile has mostly stayed with him... except of course in the morning hours.

Madsen is truly firm and stead fast. Yesterday, Madsen spoke for the first time in sacrament meeting.  I sat in awe to realize what our little brighty blue eyed smiling baby boy has become....

Missionary Work:
        Lds.org shows that missionary work is hastening the work of salvation, a unified effort in conversion, retention, and activation.  To understand this sentence we must recognize what the words mean. So like any kid who is too lazy to find the family dictionary, go through and search for these words, I used the internet.
First, convert: to cause to adopt a different religion, political doctrine, and/or opinion.
Next, retain: to continue to use or practice.
Lastly, activate: to cause to function or act.
        Now, we all understand how each of these pertains to the church. But, what some of us don’t understand is that missionary work isn’t just putting on a suit or dress and asking others if they want to hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Granted, this is very important steps in conversion and/or activation; but sometimes the best missionary work you can do is that of being a silent example. Dressing modestly and not listening to unholy music or radio stations while around friends is a great approach in silent example. Sometimes mowing a lawn, inviting a friend to scout camp, or even throwing a dog funeral for your neighbor and praying or giving a talk in the service can penetrate someone’s heart like none other. We must all be concerned with the thoughts and feelings of those around us sometimes the best example is the one who is everybody’s friend. No matter their size, abilities, hygiene, hobbies, and so on. Joseph Fielding Smith preached that “God is no respecter of persons; that every soul is precious in his sight; and that all men will be judged according to their works.” Notice he doesn’t say all mankind will be judged according to their works except for the cool ones; they get a free ride, or the people that were revered and respected, we’re letting them in no matter what they did.  I believe that missionary work is the service of helping others return to our Heavenly Father. If that means sitting by the lonely kid at lunch, being the friend to the friendless, or throwing away your pride and talking to the person who may not smell the best then so be it. We must Embark always in the service of God. President Thomas S. Monson states that, “Missionary work is an identifying feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints….” We as youth must be identified as missionaries of our loving Lord and “always remember him.” We must be the friend, classmate, and most of all… missionary that He expects us to be.
Testimonynt meeting.  I just was overwhelmed to realize the man he has become


(Family history comes in all forms.  Journals are a great source to document memories and histories.  Be sure to encourage your children to keep a journal.)
 Madsen’s Journal
January 1, 2015 12 yrs. old

       I’ve been feeling depressed lately because of the speed of Time. I feel that I have not been able to remember things as well as I should be. So at length of thought I have come to the conclusion that I shall right my memories and that will help me remember now, and in the future. I also feel the pressure of spending as much time with my parents and family as possible. I also feel I should remember things better so that I may be more grateful and happier.

       The first thing I would like to write down is of my dad. This memory has kept me going the past few days. When I went to lunch with him at the pizza factory one day he told me of the times he had gone with his friends to eat and had balanced a salt shaker on its corner in a pile of salt. He then proceeded to try and teach me how to do so. I was not able to complete the task that day nor the next time he took me to lunch at Hermies. Every time we go to lunch together he always teases me about not talking so I proceed to ask him what he wants to talk about. He responds and tells me that he doesn’t know. We then sit there in a humorous silence until another topic comes up.
       The first time I was ever able to balance a salt shaker was in Parowan. I cannot recall whether my dad had accompanied us or not but I believe he had not. We were in a small Café on main street eating breakfast for dinner right before Stockton’s preseason game against the Parowan Freshman. I had gathered the salt and balanced the salt shaker. I had been eating Pancakes and was sitting across from Maleck and Mom. Balancing the salt shaker had made me recall the many happy lunches with my father. The happiness that fills me as I write these things down is overwhelming and fills me with gratitude towards my heavenly father. I hope I can have this feeling often and I also pray for many more happy and great memories to come. I love and respect my Dad highly and hope we spend great time together in the after life. 
 My little baby boy has grown up- it has happened so fast it seriously takes my breath away.  What a joy it is to be his mother- to be a witness to amazing moments, triumphs and defeats.  I am endlessly proud of him and can't believe that tomorrow he becomes an official teenager.  Happy Birthday Madsen- GO MAKE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN!

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