
Tuesday Time and Valentine's

 I love this treasure that I found in a vintage shop last year.  It is a 1941 Valentine's and it is art.  They don't make Valentine's like this anymore.  They don't make many things like they used to though...


It was a bet with a fraternity brother that brought the two of them together. Max, handsome with twinkling blue eyes was dared by one of his fraternity brothers to kiss Ruth Mabel Stoddard Kimball Weaver, or Kay as he called her. With confident arrogance Max placed the wager. After all, he had traded a few dances with Kay and was sure she was interested in him. But Kay was not a kiss on the first date girl. No, she made Max wait. So after returning from  a walk up the Logan River with Kay, he reluctantly placed 50 cents in his fraternity buddy’s hand.

Max lost the bet, but won the girl. Dancing with Kay led to the bet, the bet led to a courtship and then an engagement. Max courted Kay during the poorest of poor days at Utah State. It was the 30’s and the great depression hit Utah hard. Max was a farm boy from Layton, son of David and Sophia Weaver with roots dating back to early Utah settlement days. Max was determined to get his education and put his farming days behind him.

Kay was the daughter of Leo and Marie Kimball and granddaughter of the beloved Thomas X. Smith- a prominent Logan citizen in the early days. Kay carried herself with confidence, wore a smile and dazzled Max with her sparkling blue eyes. She in turn was quickly mesmerized by this darling farm boy.
Max would walk 32 blocks to and from his apartment to court Kay. This had to be a mark of true love. Max and Kay had both grown up dancing and together they quickly found a rhythm. Max remembers with fondness dancing with Kay at the fraternity and sorority dances at USU. He even seemed to hum his favorite songs while we visited “… I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places…” and “… She kissed me once, she kissed me twice, she kissed me once again..” The two were married on December 28, 1939 in the Logan LDS temple on a very cold morning.

This is just one sampling of my work.  I enjoy researching about my ancestors and then taking bits and pieces of individual histories and compiling them into a story that entertains, inspires and memorializes the lives of ancestors.  So much joy comes from the discovery of their stories.

My base level is $25 per story with the research provided by you.  The price increases as my research and length increases.  I look forward to helping you discover your joy!


Wednesday Write- My own Faith Crisis

 Perhaps, I should have began my talk with the following Sunday, but because time ran short, I neglected to share the following.

Family history has been a life pulse for me.  At the early age of 16 I fell in love with it.  In fact my first experience with Family History began as a 16 year old when I compiled all of my genealogical records together for my Laurel project.  The grand finale of this project was in completing the temple work for my cousin Stacey Byrge who was killed in a fire in 1977.  It was an incredibly powerful experience for me- one that truly changed me and led me to DISCOVER MY OWN STORY AND SHARE MY JOY!

Over the years with the ebb and flow of time, I have delved deeper and deeper into the stories of my ancestors.  It was about 3 years ago though when I found something that shook my faith that a little hole in my testimony.  And then of course the horrible Lucifer began to chisel away.

The discovery that my grandmother Sarah Ann Whitney (daughter of Newel Kimball Whitney and Elizabeth Ann Smith) was the first women given in polygamy in this dispensation to the Prophet Joseph Smith rattled my cage. (see MTA 19th Century Cemeteries) From Family search
Marriage to Joseph Smith Jr.
See also: Joseph Smith, Jr. and polygamy Joseph Smith Jr. and Newel Whitney had a very close friendship. According to Brodie, after her parents were introduced to the principle of plural marriage by Smith, the marriage of Sarah to Smith was arranged with her parents' consent. [4][5] Compton claims this marriage is believed to have been performed for the purpose of creating a �dynastic� link between the Whitney and Smith families in the afterlife and to be �very much a family activity".[6]

I had grown up knowing that Brigham Young had many wives but the fact that the prophet Joseph Smith had many made me feel if the truth had been kept from me and in  my own mind my grandmother had been a 17 year old victim.  This all became a little to personal for me.

And that was just the first of many chinks in my testimony armor that Satan chipped away at.... But fortunately for me, the spirit directed me to take a break from family history for a bit and bolster my testimony in other areas.  I will be forever grateful for this prompting.

But good old Satan he didn't stop and this question led me to other questions and then I began to see many family and friends leave the church with similar interests in concerns.  

My response- I studied, prayed, attended the temple, focused on my children and husband, and service and to be quite honest, I held on for dear life.

As of late, I have been blessed with a church calling that has likewise strengthened my faith.  This past Sunday, Bishop Heath asked me to introduce the Youth theme for this year, James 1:5-6-  I am not sure I answered anyone else's prayers with my testimony and thoughts, but It was an answer to my own questions- questions I have had for 3 years.

You see the very first word I learned to spell was ASK,  and who knew how that word would indeed lead me to my own answers.

 Sacrament Meeting talk- January 22, 2017

Introduction of the 2017 Youth Theme James 1:5-6

I met someone nearly 20 years ago that I have grown to admire, trust, and respect.  I hadn’t always felt that way.  In fact, it was quite difficult for me to really get to know him.  People had been telling me stories about him for years, but I never really felt like I knew him.  So, I spent some time with him and he shared his story. 
He was a pretty common boy for his generation.  He worked hard, loved his family, and he knew adversity.  He grew up reading the scriptures. In fact his family had daily scripture study and daily prayer.  However, in his teens he began to have questions. Much like those around him did.  In fact, even members of his family were having questions, some of them even questioned the faith of their parents.  In fact, his family was split upon what religion to choose.

His surroundings were engulfed in the excitement about his questions as well.  Everyone thought they had the answer.  In fact it was probably something somewhat similar to today’s protests- such excitement. If it would have been possible, I am sure there would have been Facebook posts, and tweets, and tagging and even a little bit of snap chat not to mention the media would have had a hay day.  Everywhere and to everyone he turned it seemed they had an answer for him.  Simply put, he was confused.

He really desired to know so he asked.  But he didn’t ASK where he might get the easy answer- he really worked and dug, and pondered, and studied.  In fact one night while he was doing his nightly scripture reading, he came upon a scripture that changed his life

He wrote in his journal (Joseph Smith History)
10 In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong together? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it?
 11 While I was laboring under the extreme difficulties caused by the contests of these parties of religionists, I was one day reading the Epistle of James, first chapter and fifth verse, which reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

My dear friend is the prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith. 

Like me Joseph had questions- but was he a seeker or a doubter?
He recorded:

13 At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. I at length came to the determination to “ask of God,” concluding that if he gave wisdom to them that lacked wisdom, and would give liberally, and not upbraid, I might venture.
 14 So, in accordance with this, my determination to ask of God, I retired to the woods to make the attempt. It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty. It was the first time in my life that I had made such an attempt, for amidst all my anxieties I had never as yet made the attempt to pray vocally.

Simply put- Joseph Asked..  He did not settle for the answer given by the Presbyterian, Baptist, or Methodist preachers. He didn’t blindly follow his mother, Samuel, Hyrum, and Sophronia. He didn’t run with his friends and neglect God altogether.  Nope, he asked, he prayed, and he pleaded. And he did it with Faith.

Joseph was a SEEKER!

Many of us are less familiar with the verse that follows verse 6 it reads 
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

Those that choose not to ask, or not to ask in Faith (perhaps the faithless are those who get tripped up in the philosophies of men) those are the doubters and it tells us in verse 6 that those that do not ask or do not ask in faith wavereth- they are tossed with the wind.

They are doubters?

A question I ask myself often is “Am I a Seeker or a doubter?”

But here is the trick for all of us today especially the Youth

With so much information available today -all sorts of blogs, social media and websites, news and magazine articles and all at the tap of a button- In fact Elder Ballard says it like this “Many of four young people are more familiar with Google than with the gospel, more attuned to the internet that to inspiration, and more involved with Facebook than with Faith.”

But perhaps we should extend this description to all of us and not just the youth of the church.  it is crucial that we study and dig and discover for ourselves by seeking sources that are valid. 

It is also important that we not  judge the Prophet and the early members of the church.  Remember we sit in houses that have central heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, we have refrigerators, washers and dryers, and we have remotes, cells phones, and immediate communication to any part of the world.  The prophet and early church members lived in a different time.  We can hardly understand or truly appreciate their lives from our vantage point.  But we can have faith and we can pray.
Just as Joseph Smith did, ask Heavenly Father your questions.  WE must Take time to kneel in prayer and ask Him for guidance. Afterward,  We should wait and listen for ideas or feelings. Record your thoughts in your journal.
And Because Joseph of  we enjoy the following blessings of knowledge- because he ASKED.  Because he worked, because he paused to connect to God (these were shared by Ted Barnes of the Priesthood Department
l. We understand who God and Jesus Christ really are
2. We know that we are children of God
3. We know our families can be Eternal
4.  We have access to the priesthood and its blessings
5.  We can be free from addiction and harmful substances- Word of Wisdom
6 We can know the truth for ourselves through the Holy Ghost
I will not exchange, give up or barter with any of my doubts to give up those 6 beautiful truths and blessings.
The moment we become seekers instead of doubters we empower ourselves.  There are many examples from the scriptures and modern prophets of those who had questions and then asked in faith- Nephi, Lehi, Aaron the missionary, Moses, Enos, Abraham, and President Hinckley- the list could go on.
We can discover for ourselves- all we have to do is accept the invitation in James “ If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God.”
Something very cool is happening in the teaching and the learning of the Church.  It is referred to as the Come Follow Me Curriculum with the ultimate goal being- Teaching for Conversion
Now when I was growing up in the church we sat, we listened, we repeated and on a good day, hopefully felt the Holy Ghost.  If we were asked questions.  You could count on the standard  answers- read, pray, go to church.  But in the world in which we live today that is not enough
Why- We live a world where we are bombarded with information of all kinds and from different vantage points Now because we simply repeated instead of asking many have left the church.  There was no conversion, no work, no deep roots.  Unfortunately they were doubters.
As counseled in Doctrine and Covenants 88:118 We need to study from the best books.
Elder M. Russell Ballard stated,
“Gone are the days when a student asked an honest question and a teacher responded. “Don’t worry about it.” Gone are the days when a student raised a sincere concern and a teacher bore his or her testimony as a response intended to avoid the issue.  Gone are the days when students were protected from people who attacked the church.”
  Fortunately the New Curriculum has the tools  the main goal of the Come Follow Me Curriculum is to teach for Conversion.  It teaches us to Ask.
By so doing we can become spiritually self-reliant- Instead of sitting and repeating the goal today in the church is to Talk, Ask and Share
From The Come Follow Me Manual it states
The Savior used the scriptures to teach and testify about His mission. He taught people to ponder the scriptures and use them to help answer questions. He helped them discover gospel lessons in their own experiences and in the world around them by using examples that they could relate to. He invited them to become witnesses of His teachings by teaching and testifying to others and in this way deepen their understanding of the doctrine.
Part of your responsibility as a teacher of youth is to prepare learning activities that follow these principles exemplified by the Savior. .
As youth express gospel truths, these truths are confirmed in their hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sharing the gospel with others also allows the youth to strengthen one another—hearing a gospel truth from a peer is sometimes more powerful than hearing it from a leader or teacher.

The Youth are meant to be taught in such a way that they are taught to learn, teach, discover and then share the gospel.  Simply put they become SEEKERS!

By Becoming Seekers they and we  become converted
President Harold B. Lee offers this advice to us all- “the acquiring of knowledge by faith is no easy road to learning.  It demands strenuous effort and a continual striving by faith.
“Learning by Faith is no task for a lazy man or woman.  Someone has said in effect, that such a process requires the bending of the whole soul, the calling up from the depths of the human minds and linking it with God- the right connect must be formed.  Then only comes knowledge by faith.”
Now in closing- To the youth I hope they remember one word today and that is the very fist word I learned to spell.  I wish it were more spiritual than comical, but it is not.  As number 6 of 7 children ours was a crowded dinner table- the nine of us crowded around a rectangular table, me being a little one was sandwiched in on an end with my younger sister- a place that was meant for two.  Often I would hear my father raise his voice and shout to my very big and hungry four older brothers just ASK--  A   S    K”  and that was the first word I learned to spell ASK  because my brothers didn’t .  Not only did I learn to spell ASK at a young age, but I also learned to ASK at a young age especially if I wanted mashed potatoes- and I love mashed potatoes.,
So today in the words of my father MAY WE ALL   A   S    K!
May we follow the example of our dear friend Joseph may we become seekers.



My Weekend Retreatwith Etched- a writer's paradise

I had an amazing weekend stop with the Etched team at Brian Head.  Rubbing shoulders with marketing guru Ellen Treanor, the very talented Debra Mitchell of Twisted Silver, and the heart stopping photographer/artist,  Nick Adams was absolutely amazing.  Darci, Laurie, and Carrie treated all of us like royalty.  It's amazing, I went into the experience totally out of my comfort zone but left craving our next adventure together.

I have been so blessed by this association and the opportunity to write for a magazine that truly is a work of art.  

A teaser from my piece on Lee's Ferry that appears in the January/February edition Etched.

On a cold and sunless day in November 1871, the tired and wearied John Doyle Lee wandered in search of refuge.  On horseback, his eyes scanned the vast unknown territory before him for landmarks which he had “heard about” but never had seen.  Wary of distant travelers which may prove enemies, Lee’s eyes were alert although his lean limbs indicated otherwise.  Lee sought a crossing on the Great Colorado- a crossing which would one day bear his name. 


Our Stockton- he can do hard things

I watched him learn to  kick and throw a ball before he could walk or even crawl.  And these past two years, I have watched him limp like a 70 year old man.  Today Stockton is having surgery.  The procedure is called a coalition ostectomy.  Stockton was born with a birth defect in his left tarsal.  Two bones were fused together when there should have only been one.  As a result, he has always experienced moderate pain in his foot and less than average ankle movement.  Those with this birth defect always experience some type of pain.  For many it is manageable, but the trauma Stockton has experienced (broke it in 2015 and then fractured it on the inside this year) has left Stockton on the bench for the past month.  We were told to let it rest.  But after more x rays, an MRI,  a CT scan and the very helpful and knowledgeable foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Leon Reber, answers and treatment have been found.

Our Stockton is a tough! He has played through two breaks in his ankle (unknowingly), shingles, countless ankle sprains, and constant pain.  Although it has been painless and sleepless to watch this kid struggle, I am grateful that he is learning to do hard things.

Last night his high school basketball team ended their practice in prayer before sending Stockton on his way.  What great boys.  He has played with this bunch since he was 12.  Good Luck today in Richfield Falcons!

The road back will be difficult and long- 4 to 6 months, but don't count him out.  He will be on the football field come fall- #19.


Guernsey Group - January Read- The Noticer

It is snowing outside and I would like nothing better than to crawl under the covers and make my "to do" list go away.  But there are car pools, errands, and dinner to deal with--So,  I will dream of meeting Jones in  Andy Andrews' book The Noticer.

Guernesy Group, book club met today over lunch.  Maggie prepared the most delicious corn and bean salad as she opened her home to all of us.  I shared the New York Times bestseller, The Noticer, written by Andy Andrews.  I was first read this book two years ago upon the recommendation of my then Junior in High School, Seleck.  He was given this book as a pre read assignment before attending Governors Honors Academy at SUU that Summer.

I am currently reading it again with our 2nd son Stockton.  It is a "game changer."  Take a minute and enjoy....

Jones, by definition is a Noticer.  Andrews' books shares Jones' journey and the people with who he comes in contact and the sense of perspective he shares with each of them.  

The story opens with a homeless young man living under a pier along the California coast and his encounter with Jones (the main Character and the Noticer).  Jones share with the young man 3 biographies which he quickly reads and then he gives him more and then more books.

In reference to the biographies, Jones shares, " Other people's experiences is the best teacher.  By reading about the lives of great people you will unclock the secrets to what made them great."

But Jones does more than share biographies on all the greats with the young man, he changes his life by asking the young man to view life differently.

The rest of the book recounts Jones' encounters with several people within the beach community in which the story unfolds. The experiences share are thought provoking, timely, and easily accessible to every reader.

Some wisdom from Andrews' Jones:
"Think. Learn. Pray. Plan. Dream.  For soon... you will become!"

"... A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person's life."

"We need to start noticing a few things.  We need to check your heart.  We need to gather a little perspective."


The evolution of Emma- Happy 12th bday

Building our home on Ashdown- February 2005
Emma was the best baby ever!

Every now and then I like to look at photos when my kids were small just to remind me that they once were.  Now that our baby is 8, I find myself doing that more often. Today, Emma is 12.  It is a huge milestone.  To tell you the truth, I am not sure I am ready, but ready or not here it is.

While I absolutely love having four sons, having a daughter has made me reassess who I am.  So much about who Emma will become is what she will learn from me. Both the good and the bad- no pressure right?

The good thing is that I am not alone.  She is there right beside me cheering me along and she doesn’t even know she is.  It’s been that way since the beginning though.  Emma is truly genuine.  While she is far from perfect, I believe she is one of God’s finest.  She is truly without guile.  Now comes the hard part, me guiding her through these next turbulent years in hopes that she doesn’t change and if she does that is only for the better.

I will pray for wisdom, for grace, and I will pay for patience.  But most of all I pray she will pray for me and that together we will find our way.
This was the perfect day- California Coast August 2005
I love you Emma!  Happy 12th birthday!

August 2005- We had the best time at the Dodger game- man you turned a few heads!

You have always been daddy's little girl!

Emma's first Christmas

December 2006


December 2, 2008- Emma fell in love with him from the moment she held him!

Easter 2009


July 2012

summer 2013

Summer 2014

Fall 2015

January 17, 2016

Oh what a day Birthday photos from end to beginning!

Emma's Favorite Cherry Chip Cake

                                  Birthday dinner at Rusty's with the family

A quick visit to see gma and gpa on your bday!
 We loved Celebrating the afternoon of your 12th birthday by taking you to the temple to do baptisms.  I loved watching you and daddy walk around the temple grounds afterwards-- a picture is worth a 1000 words!

Lunch with Brenna and Emry at Pizza Factory- thanks for the yumminess Uncle Chris!

Our twinner shirts.  Emma and I spent Monday in St George (MLK Day) shopping.  
                Birthday Breakfast- daddy made crepes- love you daddy!