
Monday memory- So fun to be a family

Don't you love memories... they are better than chocolate.  While this memory is not my own, I can imagine the circumstances behind it.  Grandpa was enthralled by the majesty of the scenery and the gnarled nature of  this old tree so he had his four handsome young sons pose for this photo.  I love Uncle Scott in this photo- so full of life.  Uncle Kurt looks just like his son Tyson and is definitely playing it cool, but he wore the look nicely- He was cool.  My dad is sporting the red sweater and is conservative and disciplined.  Uncle Wynn finds his way as the baby boy---
I am a puffy cloud lover- I think Grandpa was too! I had never seen this photo, but it thrills me.  I love to think of my dad as a boy with his brothers. What joy these boys must have brought to grandma Ruth's heart.   As a mother of four sons  of my own, I know that joy!  This picture is filled with adventure, beauty, youth, and a memory....
Grandpa always knew how to catch the shadows... beauty is different as the day meets the dusk.  Entranced by the light dancing upon the mountain, grandpa captured this perfect moment- a moment of freedom and of joy. 

Aunt Ruth Kay's laughter thrills me- it's as if I am there listening to her giggles and feeling day meet dusk...

Memories are meant to be savored... do you savor yours?

#memorymaker, #storykeeper

Barnwood and tulips... discover your story... share your joy...

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