I sit here blogging and think of Tillie Olsen ironing. The April rain pounds the asphalt as I count the drops. Today... Monday madness- laundry, weekend cleanup, upload info for seleck's mission papers, insurance coverage out of country? Stockton, truck driver's license, football, ankle injury, Madsen, guitar, baseball- I hope it's not the late game, twitter, tweet, text messaging, facebook, ugh, Maleck, he will want to play when he gets home... misses Emma, me too!
Don't forget to type the itinerary for their trip. Travis and Emma, Pennsylvania, Valley Forge, Patriot Award, "Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth... dryer beeps switch the laundry. George Washington, Philadephia, Liberty Bell. We hold these truths to be self evident... I love history. I am always the the travel agent, never the traveler. I must not forget to sort Stockton's laundry in basement, pick Madsen up from school- I hope he is smiling.
Seleck works at 4- Pizza Factory. I waited tables there, 1990- youngest waitress ever hired, 15. Bill Kringlen, Rotary- It is going to be a cold baseball game tonight- better bundle up. Stockton, football after school, I can't forget to rotate his laundry.
Must make sure to call university for Seleck's scholarship status...citizen verification form. GHA, Presidential Ambassador, 1 of 10 from 500 chosen, "What win I, if I gain the thing I seek? A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy? Sterling scholar 1992- 24 years I still remember. Hyrum Smith. Seleck sterling scholar 2016, " who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy case; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, Theodore Roosevelt.
Pans clatter-Madsen makes mess in the kitchen, FACS biscuit recipe, watches TV... patience. My fingers reach for more words, I think of Tillie Olsen. I blog, why?
My grandfather Weaver told me I paint pictures with words- He was an artist. God told me to keep a daily journal-he is God. My grandfather Hofheins told me that all those potatoes and meat I was eatin' would catch up with me- he was a cattle farmer. I'll show him I said-- age 41- body age of 31, 133 pounds, body fat 28%... I'll show him. The rain makes me want to run... Dr. Coach, CHS, Track days, chasing Rigby, "What win I, if I gain the thing I seek?" I won Rigby, 5 children, a happy life...
I blog, to remember, to dare greatly... facebook, Ally Condie Cedar city Native comes to town, New York times best selling author, "what win I, If I gain the thing I seek?" The book in my head, echoes, 2nd East, David Lee, SUU, Kay Cook,SS Moorty, Julie Simon- the greats...My life changed- Children's Lit, David Lee's magic, his religion- poetry.
My religion? Christ, Joseph Smith, my family. Mia Maid- Personal Progress, Young Womanhood Award, Sunday lessons, Wednesday night Activities, time... sacrifice. I must not forget to rotate the laundry... What win I, if I gain the thing I seek...." time to pick up Maleck. Is it raining in Valley Forge, take pictures! "If he fails, at least he fails while greatly trying." dryer beeps.
To Theodore and Will, and David Lee, and Tillie I sit here blogging.... the rain has stopped. after all, April is the cruelest month?