Superintendent Delaney, Principal Nielsen, members of the School Board, distinguished faculty, parents, friends, and most importantly my fellow graduates- Canyon View High School’s graduating class of 2016- Hello everyone and welcome to our graduation ceremony this evening!
Tonight is a special night not only for our graduating
duating class but for those people who have been with us from the beginning. We pay tribute to them- our parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, family members, and friends. Thank you for being there for us!
The art of being a teacher is said by many to be a lost art. However, at Canyon View High School this is not so. I have come to realize that many of you teachers come early, and stay late year after year, day in and day out. You do this not for recognition, money, or praise but rather for the love of the students. You have had a tremendous impact on we as a graduating class- this has come at a high price for both you and your families. We thank you for your service.
I’d also like to take a special moment to thank the parents and primarily the mothers. For many of you moms, this night is a difficult one. A night you have to let go. There is no doubt that above all roles which blesses lives, there is none more meaningful, great, or more sacred than that of motherhood. Thank you for getting us to where we are today. We love you and are beyond grateful for the 18 years of love and support you have given to us.
Canyon View High School has always been a great school with much to celebrate, but 2015-2016 was truly an exceptional year. Due to the tireless efforts of students and faculty, past and present, the Canyon View Falcons truly soared higher than ever. CVHS racked up 10 region championships, gave phenomenal state tournament/competition showings, had amazing school spirit, created monumental changes to the landscape, and showed unparalleled overall growth while maintaining an overall GPA as a school of 3.066. In 2015-2016 Canyon View, soared and once again proved it is a home of champions.
All of these achievements came with a memory. Perhaps, two that I relish the most are ones which most of us were present.
Such as, the last seconds of the football game vs. Cedar when our phenomenal defense stopped Cedar High at the one yard line to win the game. Everyone rushed the field screeming, hugging and laughing. I’ve never been so proud to be a Falcon.
Another great moment was the region basketball game against North Sanpete. The game went into four overtimes. Four! Unfortunately, the traditional celebratory party at Brad’s did not take place that evening due to the length of this unforgettable ball game. The falcons both on an off the bench came together that evening. I believe the fans were just as tired as the players. But the falcons won -- cutting the nets was totally worth it
We need to remember something though whether we were in the stands or on the court. The accomplishments that made Canyon View a success this year came because of all of us -- this year we were a team.
As a class, as a school, as the Falcons, we have achieved much over the last four years. We approach this day with great anticipation, excitment, fear of the unknown, and perhaps even fear of failure.
President Theodore Roosevelt said something that I feel pertains greatly to the fears we have today.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Therefore, let us heed the advice given by President Roosevelt. While today we are both excited and afraid, let us remember Success is achieved in the trying because there is no effort without error. We cannot take the path of success without making mistakes. However, if we keep going, we may succeed. And if worse comes to worse and we do fail, let us fail “daring greatly!”
Before I step away from this podium I want all of you to know that I belive in you. I believe you can achieve what you want! But do not be afraid to fail. No one can undermind our results nor can anyone ever undermind the sincerity of our effort.
It has been a tremendous four years. I love all of you and I’ll miss you but there comes a time when every falcon mush leave the nest. CLASS OF 2016 Always remember that - YOU FLEW WITH THE FALCONS!