his then tiny two year old hands rearranged our very first nativity.
I remember purchasing this porcelain nativity and holding my breath-- it was simple and inexpensive, but a stretch for our small budget. I carefully placed each figurine in its traditional style.... shepherds on the right, wisemen on the left, camel by the wisemen an cows and sheep by the shepherds.
Later in the day, I returned to find that someone's little fingers had rearranged my efforts. All of the figures of our nativity were encircling the baby Jesus including the animals. This happened several times before I caught the culprit. I asked with a little impatience in my voice what he was doing. He replied, "They all want to see baby Jesus, mommy.''
What lesson our cute two year old taught me that day.... Shouldn't we all be close enough to see Jesus, to feel his presence in our lives. Isn't that what Christmas and the whole year should be about... coming closer to the Savior!
Stockton's arrangement- our first nativity
Special Thanks to mom and dad Rigby for being such great contributors to our Crèche Collection
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