
Keeping her 11..

To my Emma,
To the little girl who introduced me to the color of pink:
It is so fun to have you for a daughter... 
We get to shop together, bake together, paint our nails together, talk about books, and movies, friends, and how the brothers are driving you crazy- they drive me crazy too!

You are sliding between days of girlhood and womanhood.
I love that you still ask for hugs and cuddles. 
 I love that you wave to me in front of your friends 
and that you wanted to sit by me during the movie at your birthday party.

I love that Daddy is your #1 boyfriend
And that you don't mind his smooches.
I love it when you two talk hunting
and that all you wanted for your birthday was a pocketknife.

I love how you take your four brothers in stride- 
I love your spunk!
I love that they call you their general.
I even love your stubborness- I know it will save you some day.

Birthday party pics

Daddy gave you flowers, jewelry, and a pocket knife.

 There will be rough days ahead...
bad hair days, bad friend days, tough school days, dumb boy days, but remember it's not what you wear that defines you or makes you beautiful, all you need is inside of you because you are amazing!
God made you that way.  Don't forget to keep him on your team Emma. He will always be there and right behind him will be all of us- mom, dad, "the brothers" and so many more.

So go ahead and smile- let those blue eyes sparkle
You are 11 becoming 20 and beautiful
                                        Happiest of Birthdays,
                                                           xo, Mommy!

family party- Siri Emry, Eden, Maleck and Noah

Make a wish!
"Em and Em"

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